十大网赌靠谱网址平台校区是大学公园外最古老的持续运营的校园. 校园有100多年的悠久历史. 以下是多年来十大网赌靠谱网址平台的简要概况.
在20世纪初, 宾西法尼亚 State College President Edwin Sparks' vision of the land-grant institution mission and his emphasis on lifelong learning leads to the establishment of "extension courses" throughout the state.
Through the efforts of a local citizens' committee in cooperation with Penn State's School of Engineering, the first permanent Penn State technical center is established in the attic of the Stevens School at 6th and Tilghman Streets in Allentown in 1912. 该中心提供工科夜校课程.
1917 - 1918
一战期间, 女性第一次进入阿伦敦工程扩建的教室. Most of the women trained at the extension fill positions in the drafting rooms of the steel and cement industries in the Lehigh Valley.
“领班培训”项目,,并最终发展成为目前的管理发展项目, 开始. 今天, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 ranks as one of the leading providers of Management Development programming in the state.
The extension center provides "continuation school" one day a week for young workers in 丝绸织造厂s and other factories in the area.
Bethlehem Steel offers all employees the opportunity to enroll in shop and engineering courses at the Allentown Extension School. 从一开始, 这所扩展学校致力于与该地区的行业合作,提供所需的技能. 老师, 来自当地企业, 为课程的实际应用和理论学习打下基础.
在艾伦镇集市上, 他们也是这个地区许多丝绸工厂的雇员, 展示由纺织工程学院设计和编织的丝绸. Also displayed in the Extension's tent are an illuminated map of 宾西法尼亚 and a static electricity machine.
1941 - 1945
The Allentown Branch School responds to the call to train local workers in skills vital to the war effort via the Engineering, 科学, 和管理战争训练(ESMWT)计划, 由美国赞助.S. 教育部. 在战争年代,超过4000人参加了阿伦敦地区提供的课程.
课程在包括中心初中在内的12个中心进行, 劳布初中, 位于第14街和戈登街的前利哈伊谷运输大楼, 以及与十大网赌靠谱网址平台合作提供该项目的穆伦伯格学院. 其他合作伙伴包括康维尔和联合Vultee飞机公司. Two all-women classes are trained in aircraft detailing to work at the Allentown divisions of these companies.
二战归来的退伍军人,有资格通过G.I. 比尔®,希望尽快完成培训,回到工作岗位. The extension programs offered in engineering and business at the Allentown center were traditionally offered evenings over a course of 3 to 5 years to men who were employed during the day. 为了满足退伍军人的需求, these technical programs are condensed into one year non-credit daytime programs in electrical technology, 机械设计, 工商管理. 这些课程是这些领域副学士学位的前身.
以容纳迅速发展的一年制日间学院, 中心搬到了以前的雪茄厂, 丝绸织造厂, 还有里奇大道725号的男孩俱乐部.
学校更名为阿伦敦中心, and the daytime technical institute is reorganized as a two-year Associate in Engineering degree program. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台是第一所开设副学士学位的主要大学, 这一概念很快被全国其他大学采用.
1965 - 1968
随着婴儿潮一代进入大学, 参加该项目的人数不断增加,该中心很快就需要在高中租用额外的空间, 酒店, 以及犹太社区中心. 与此同时,大学公园主校区的入学人数超出了其容量. 横跨整个州, other Penn State centers and campuses offered the first two years of a Penn State baccalaureate degree to ensure students from their communities access to a Penn State education.
许多社区成员和组织, 包括商会, 《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》, 地区工会领导人, and state legislators from the Lehigh Valley join with the 咨询委员会 of the Allentown Center to 开始 the process of expanding the center's mission to include a two year baccalaureate transfer program.
The Allentown Center leases the former Upper Macungie Elementary School as temporary housing until the new campus can be constructed, 本科课程被添加到课程中.
由吉姆·杨教练带领, the Penn State Allentown Campus cycling team wins the first of several National Collegiate Cycling Championships.
The Lehigh Valley Writing Project (LVWP) 开始s with a summer institute designed to encourage the teaching of writing across the curriculum. 采用教师-教学-教师模式, the program inspires teachers to design and incorporate new methods of teaching writing in their classes. 在接下来的十年里, the LVWP expands its programming and is recognized as one of the most active and innovative sites of the National Writing Project.
随着阿伦敦市发展成为一个主要的大都市区, 它面临着大城市地区共同面临的挑战. 该地区的高中开始经历更高的辍学率. The more culturally- and economically-diverse population brings new educational needs and opportunities.
在夏天, 访问ing Scholars from universities in 波多黎各 join the faculty of the pre-college youth programs. This 开始s an ongoing relationship between Penn State Allentown Campus and Puerto Rican universities such as the University of 波多黎各, 图拉博大学, 以及波多黎各天主教大学.
十大网赌靠谱网址平台校区与伯克校区合并,创建了一所新的十大网赌靠谱网址平台, 伯克-利哈伊山谷学院. 新学院立即开始发展四年制学士学位课程, 让当地学生可以选择在离家近的地方完成十大网赌靠谱网址平台的学位.
十大网赌靠谱网址平台 becomes the site of the English as a Second Language graduate degree program of 图拉博大学, Gurabo, 波多黎各. The ESL program is a cooperative venture between the Lehigh Valley Writing Project and 图拉博大学 supported by a grant by the U.S. 教育部. 虽然课程是在十大网赌靠谱网址平台举行的, 学生访问波多黎各,与波多黎各的同事和学生一起工作, 增加他们对西班牙文化和西班牙语的理解.
The first baccalaureate degrees are awarded by the Penn State 伯克-利哈伊山谷学院 to Business Administration and Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology students. 其他十大网赌靠谱网址平台科学与技术学士学位课程, 文化研究, 运动机能学, 科学开始了, 还有第六个学士学位, 应用心理学理学学士学位, 被批准.
Fifteen teachers from the Allentown and Reading school districts are awarded the first Masters in Education degrees in Teaching English as a Second Language upon completion of the joint University of Turabo/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 program.
今年3月,十大网赌靠谱网址平台在Rt附近开设了一家企业学习中心. 512年,以此来服务整个利哈伊山谷. 10,000-square-foot facility houses the continuing education department and also offers traditional classes, 专业培训, 以及企业培训.
十大网赌靠谱网址平台在全州范围内重组了大学. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台从伯克斯校区分离出来,成为大学学院的一部分.
In 2009, 受到校园不断发展的刺激, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 began writing a new chapter in its history with the purchase of a facility at 苏臣谷道2809号 in 中心谷. The three-story Saucon Building and surrounding property serve as the new main campus of Penn State in the Lehigh Valley, 并提供扩大的空间和机会,以促进当前和未来学生的成功.